Slider (video) over Masthead not working on X

Hi Guys,

I have a site that’s had a video over the masthead that was working and it has just stopped. I am on 5.1 and tried flushing cache but the RevSlider Video just does not show anymore. Can you please take a look and Iet me know. I’ll send credentials over next. The site is

Thanks - Skeeter

Hi there Skeeter,

Thanks for writing in!

I’ve checked your site and there’s a JS error coming from Rev Slider which is preventing the slider from loading correctly (

Has this ever worked at the site? Or did it stop working after a recent update? Any extra information will help in debugging. :slight_smile:


Hi Jack,

Yes this did work and I launched this early this year and to best of my knowledge it worked fine. I could technically try deleting the plugging and re-installing if you thing that’s worth it.


Hi Skeeter,

Yes, try deleting the RS and reinstall it from X > Overview > Extensions, and do not update it to the latest version. 5.4.1 is still the latest supported version.


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