Slider revolution - animation reset/elements hiding after scrolling down the timeline

Hi! I would like to set the leaving viewport animation while scrolling down my website - we used Revolution Slider.

View 1 - slide #1:
View 2 - slide #2

Is it possible to call the closing action while I scroll to the next slide - for instance slide#1 to slide#2. At this moment, If I don’t ‘close’ it manually, it will stay opened.
You can recreate this easily: Please open the link and then: click button highlighted on the screenshot below, a text field will move to the left. To “close it” I have to close it by clicking X button (on mobile) or "mniej: (desktop).

Because of that, website is barely visible on the mobiles - slides remain opened and are overlaying each other.

I will be grateful for any help - I received this project after a person who is not working on this anymore.

Hi @Admind

This will require further modification to the slider core code, such development tasks aren’t included in our support policy, however, you can check this tutorial which will help you getting started with revolution slider API:


@Alaa Thank you you this answer - it says that this info is oudated, since the plugin has been updated.

Could you tell my why can’t I see “navigation” options in slider settings? I’m using ver.


It’s on the sidebar. Please see screenshot

I can see you are using older version. Kindly update to theme and plugins to latest version.

X 6.2.5
Cornerstone 3.2.5
Revolution Slider 5.4.8


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