Site not updating on mobile

Created the following site.

Checked multiple desktops and all looks good.

Checked multiple mobile sites and it has not updated since my first save and none of the text or images are on mobile devices.

Any ideas?

Sorry,misspell on the URL. Should be

Just checked on desktop and if you minimize to get a mobile view all of the content changes…???

Hi There @damonbell ,

Thanks for writing in! This is actually a feature, where some of the sections in the demo are set to show only on mobile devices, You can go to the section options and see the Hide on view-port options:

You need to either delete those sections or change them you like for mobile view. The sections that you changed information in desktop also seems to be hidden in the mobile view. You need to change them to make them show in mobile view if you want.

For detailed information about of this feature, please go through this guide (

Thank you.

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