Show single Essential Grid for current post within post page

Is it possible to show a single Essential Grid for the current post within the post page? Looking to single out just the current post grid item from a particular grid.

Hi There,

Do you mean just one post inside a essential grid?
First, to exclude current post from essential grid, see this:
To create the essential grid, see this guide:
To add essential grid after every post, see this:
From the code, replace [recent_posts count="3"] with essential grid shortcode.

Hope this helps.

I guess the recent post count shortcode is throwing me off. I’m not trying to show the recent posts, I want to be able to show the post inside of the post page via the Essential Grid. I want to exclude all other grid items except for the select post. So, if you’re in, I want to be able to just show the happy-feet post via the essential grid.


Sorry for the confusion.

That’s possible with Essential Grid plus custom query, like from here

Try adding this in your child theme’s functions.php

add_filter('essgrid_query_caching', 'eg_stop_caching', 10, 2);
add_filter('essgrid_get_posts', 'eg_mod_query', 10, 2);
// turn off caching for your grid
function eg_stop_caching($do_cache, $grid_id) {
 if($grid_id == YOUR_GRID_ID) return false;
 return true;
function eg_mod_query($query, $grid_id){
 if($grid_id == YOUR_GRID_ID) {
 //modify $query to your likings
 $query['p'] =  get_the_ID();

 return $query;

Make sure o change YOUR_GRID_ID with your ess grid id

Hope that helps.

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