Show hamburger menu sooner

Hi there,

On my site (link provided in secure note) I’d like the menu to change to a hamburger sooner. When I make my browser window smaller it is too wide and the links jump to below the logo, then later more links jump down. Instead I’d like the hamburger to show as soon as the menu doensn’t fully fit beside the logo anymore. I’m not using a plugin for the menu so I just need to change the width were the hamburger menu will start to show, however I cannot find where I’m supposed to add that.

Can you help me with this issue?


Hey Vink,

Regretfully, this is not possible using X and overriding the mobile nav breakpoint is not supported. You will need to upgrade your site to Pro for this so you can use the Hide During Breakpoints feature in the Pro Header.



Thanks for the quick response.

I’ll to fix it in a different way then, thanks!

Hi Vink,

Yes, please consider the following:

  • Logo Size – decrease the width of the logo to give more rooms for the menu items. You can set Logo Width under Theme Options > Header
  • Smaller Navbar Font Size - Navbar Font Size can be adjusted under Theme Options > Header
  • Menu Items Spacing - Navbar Top Link Spacing can be adjusted under Theme Options > Header as well.

If that still not enough, you can do the following:

  • Shorten the Menu Items Label.
  • Rearrange - If possible grouped your menu and put other menu items as sub-items.


Hi there,

Thanks! I’ve instead decided to use a Superfly menu. I’ve used the ‘@media’ command in the css to turn the menu off on displays smaller than a set amount of pixels and turned the superfly menu on at that time.


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You’re most welcome,


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