Shortcode appearing on front end instead of actual content


I’m using X Pro theme v 1.2 and I’m having an issue with the “content area” module.

My website is not currently live so I’ll have to use screenshots.

Specifically, when I use content area module to input custom HTML code the actual HTML doesn’t appear, while instead I can only see the following: [cs_element_content_area _id=“19”]

Here’s an image:

The custom HTML I’m using is simple PDF render:

<object width="400" height="950" type="application/pdf" data="test.pdf#zoom=85&scrollbar=1&toolbar=1&navpanes=1"id="pdf_content">

I have truncated the link data.

Also, I’d like to point out that when I duplicate the row I can actually see the content (but only one), while the shortcode can still be seen.

Here is an image of my layout:

Am I doing something wrong here?

I wasn’t able to find anything similar on the forums so I would like to ask for some pointers.

Thank you in advanced!


Hi There,

Thank you for writing in, I did try to place your code in a “Content Area” element on my dev site, but it does not output anything even a shortcode.

Please inspect each element of your page, and see to it that it has no unclosed HTML tags.

Hope it helps,

Hello Friech,

Thank you for your reply.

The code won’t work without the actual file which I’ve truncated for client’s privacy purposes.

Here is the code rendered in plain HTML:
HTML Render

And here’s a code which contains a test PDF that you can use:

<object width="700" height="950" type="application/pdf" data="http://marqnet.solutinos/themeco/test.pdf#zoom=85&scrollbar=1&toolbar=1&navpanes=1"id="pdf_content">

I’ll have my website available on public link with a login today so it may be best if you could review it, while you can also test what I provided on your Dev site in the meantime.

Thank you very much!

We will wait till we can have a live example of the case to test, but I personally suggest that you use the Classic Raw Content element to add an object to the page.

Also, the object initiator and the target should be from the same domain. So the PDF file should be uploaded via the Media menu of the WordPress so it will be in the same domain.

I am not sure regarding the code you want to use., I suggest that you test the code on a normal WordPress website without Cornerstone or our theme, the code should work then correctly. If not then it is not related to our theme and you need to check your code.

Thank you.

Thank you for your reply Christopher!

I have tried using raw content module and it worked perfectly. I believe that content module is not intended for that purpose and I’ve completely forgotten about the classic raw content.

Thank you very much.

You may close this subject!

You’re most welcome!

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