Shop Page : Product Categories


I would like to add categories for my shop page. I set up a few product categories, then added these two products within separate categories but it doesn’t show up like that.

If you visit my shop page: you will see that it shows up like this (rather than in their respective categories):

Please help :slight_smile:
Thanks so much!

Hi @NadiaCrisisEquipped

Please go to (Dashboard > Appearance > Customize) then follow this screencast to achieve what you want:


Thank you! It worked.
Can you show me how to fix the giant text? I want it to be about the same size as the text above it ["browse our unique selection of…’] Also, I don’t want the number of products to show in parenthesis, nor any highlighted text (as shown in this screenshot).

thanks so much!

Hello There,

The category titles were big because of the heading tag font size settings. To resolve this issue, please add the following CSS code in the X > Theme Options > Global CSS (

.woocommerce-loop-category__title {
    font-size: 1.6em;

We would loved to know if this has work for you. Thank you.

Yes!! That worked great in reducing the font size. Thank you!! How do I remove the numbers between the parenthesis – the numbers that appear highlighted?

Thank you!

Hello There,

To remove the number, please use this code:

.woocommerce-loop-category__title .count {
    display: none;

And if you want to center the category titles, you can update the code and use this:

.woocommerce-loop-category__title {
    font-size: 1.6em;
    text-align: center;

.woocommerce-loop-category__title .count {
    display: none;

Hope this helps.

Yes! That worked great, thank you so much!!

One more question :slight_smile:
When I click on a category, this is what it shows.

How can I change the title “Category Archive” to the actual category title (in this case, “Emergency Food”? Also I would like to change the text below the title, for example: “below you’ll find a list of all the items that have been categorized…” and instead have the description you see below “Our food is made to the highest US Standard…” in its place?

Thank you ! I appreciate it!

Hi Nadia,

Please go to WordPress Dashboard > Products > Categories and select the desired category. Then you will the option to change the title and subtitle as you wish:

You can also change the main shop page title and subtitle by going to X > Theme Options > Integrity > Shop Options:

Kindly open up new threads for additional questions as it will help us to focus on each issue and give you a better support which you deserve. Having a long threads makes the maintaining job harder and also it will be harder for the other customers to find the correct information if they have similar issues. You are always welcomed to reply to this thread to follow up the same question.

Thank you.

Thank you so much!

And yes, definitely. Sorry about that.

Thanks for all your help! :blush:

Glad we could help,


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