Serious problems with Yoast Premium on staging site

I have installed the lastest version of the Pro theme (2.2.5) and the lastest Yoast Premium. And I can’t get Yoast Premium to correctly analyze content on V2 Elements like Text. It only processes the content in the Classic Elements.

I have no cache modules installed on the local staging site.

Hi @psnuab,

Thanks for reaching out.

Does this happen on Yoast premium only? Would it be okay if I check your setup? Please provide your site’s URL and admin login credentials in a secure note.


I have only installed Yoast Premium. Why would the functionality differ between the free and the paid version of Yoast?

I would like to provide you with the link, but this is on a local staging site.

I have browsed the forum but since there are different contradicting threads - are the problems with Yoast sorted out in the latest version of the Pro theme?

Hi @psnuab,

That’s something I can’t answer as I’m not really sure how their plugin internal works. All I could do is check and verify the issue, and I just like to verify if this happens on Premium or not. You also said in the other thread that it works but retracted, hence, my only guess is it in premium or not.

The Yoast issues are sorted and fixed, but there could be issues with different scenario or setup that triggers it. Hence, for us to re-open the issue, we’ll have to verify and gather enough information first. I’m not saying I could provide a workaround, but I may able to report.


Thank you. But I do not think the Yoast issues are all sorted out. My staging site is clean. Only WP, Yoast and the Pro theme. It is not working with V2 Elements. I do think I have to consider other alternatives. For me Yoast is more important than the Pro theme.

Hi @psnuab

Thanks for the feedback, anytime you might be able to demonstrate these issues on a live website, that would be great, please update this thread with the login credentials to this testing site in a secure note reply.



The login provided, doesn’t seem to work.

Please check again and let us know.


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