Section of one-page site not responsive for mobile viewport


One section of my one-page site disappears when the viewport shrinks to mobile size, approx 480 px. This is the only section of the site with v2 text elements in 2 columns side by side, one with text boxes and the other with a v2 video element. Please tell me the CSS or whatever I need to get the right column to stack below the left column when the viewport is 480 or below. Thanks!

Hi there,

Would you please kindly give us the URL of the page you are experiencing the problem and a screenshot of the section which is not showing ok on mobile?

I also suggest that you use hide during breakpoint functionality to have separate sections for different devices if needed.


I put the url in the secure note. Here are 2 screenshots, 1st at 1024px (ipad) and 2nd at 414 px (iphone).


Your section is set to be hidden in mobile.

Please deselect these icons.

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