Section image full width

I have one image on top of that page - I cannot figure out how to have it full width and height

is it better to make a background image of the section

or add an image and make it full frame ?

I dont get it - dont find the best way - can you help ?


Hello @steveraf,

Thanks for asking. :slight_smile:

Please turn off Inner Container from Section > Row so that image takes full width of the section.


I have a background image also i am trying to go full. I followed this thread, and the background image is full width, but the height is not. It is just a thin stripe, instead of the full height.

see -

Hi There,

Thanks for the info!

The background image never takes the height of the image. Because it has no phical presence in side the container so it won’t push it down. To make it visible 100% you have to use it as image element or you can add height to the container, using padding top bottom. Also you can use gap element inside the container so that the image would visible.

Hope this is clear!

I first tried it as an image container in the row. It is now an image in a row again, and I have turned off the “inner container” function. Still not a full width image… :frowning:

Hi There,

Thanks for the update!

For this, you need to choose the page template no container/header and Footer .

Just edit the page and change the template, same it again, further adjustment can be done through cornerstone if needed.


Yes, that is how that page is setup already.

These changes have been made the picture is bigger but not full width

Hi There,

Please set the image width 100% and remove retina dimention.

Hope this helps!


Hello There,

Your post has been withdrawn.
If you need anything else we can help you with, don’t hesitate to open another thread.

Thank you.

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