Search Page Excerpts


I would like to have pages return a similar format to posts on a search results page. Posts are listed with a picture, excerpt, title, etc. while pages are only listed with a title. How can I go about adding the feature image and excerpt for pages?

Thanks in advance for your help.



Hi @mattcaldwell,

Thanks for writing in.

It’s only doable with customization, pages don’t have excerpt or feature images compared to post. You’ll have to add those feature and developer templates similar to posts. I recommend contacting a developer for customization and for better implementation.


Hi Rad,

Thanks for your quick reply! Is there not some code I could add to easily include an excerpt for pages at least? Also, can I ask what the logic/reasoning is for having the page result be so minimalistic? Would not not make more sense for this kind of functionality to be included in the theme?



Hi @mattcaldwell,

It’s Wordpress standard, and it’s not theme related. Pages are usually used as the landing page, where the post is for blog articles and that’s what separates them. And the theme will adhere to the default standard provided by Wordpress.

It still doable, but again, would require customization. Example, (for adding excerpt support for Pages). ( for adding featured image support for Pages)

Wordpress made it that way, else, there should be no pages as they will have the same features.


Hi @Rad,

Thanks so much, I have got the search page the way I wanted now. I really appreciate your help!



You are most welcome. :slight_smile:

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