Hi there,
We experience a problem with Revolution Slider on our start page: The silder is missing, and instead this message is displayed: “Revolution Slider Fehler: The param Slider Width should not be empty.”
Trying to solve the problem, we used the advice given in this support thread: https://theme.co/apex/forum/t/updated-slider-revolution-and-it-stopped-working/61443/5. But it did not help. Would you mind taking a look at it? Since it is the first element on our start page it is quite important to us. Thank you.
Also, our Hosting Provider mentioned recently that a lot of their customers experience trouble with the Revolution Slider, since it is not longer supported/developed. So if you have any advice on which other tools/elements/sliders we could use for displaying the info in the slider we would appreciate that very much. Thanks a lot.
This is what the slider should look like (screenshot): https://www.dropbox.com/s/kl2f8bpnqnkda33/rev_slider_example.jpg?dl=0
Kind Regards,