Revolution Slider Error: Failed to load Stream youtube/facebook/instagram/twitter etc

how did you get the preview to work? i look in preview and get the error message **Revolution Slider Error: Failed to load Stream **

i downgraded to 5.6 and same issue diffrent host will take time

Hi There @irontamoor

I have added the slider preview that I see to the secure note below.

Can you also try switching to a different PHP version you have on your server and test this issue further. The best method is to test it on a different host as mentioned above by @christian_y


system is now on 7.3

Hello @irontamoor,

Could you please double check the ftp details because it is not working.
Please have it updated.


updated in orginal post

diffrent host same issue

Thanks for testing. Your FTP credentials still doesn’t work though. Please double check.

I have tested on several of my test sites as well and I got the same error. I checked the error logs and there’s no error related to stream wrappers so the issue could be coming from the FB App setup. It seems that everything was setup correctly in my test though.

And, the last time I checked in your site, the slider was working in the Preview. When I checked again, it’s not working anymore.

Regretfully, this will need further investigation. I’d recommend finding an alternative if you have a tight deadline for now.

Thank you for understanding.

updated my ftp host url do you need my FB details to help with this.?

Hi @irontamoor,

I have check and can confirm settings here:
Now, please also share FB details. Let’s just confirm if settings is correct. Also, I am able to access your site FTP, I can’t see the error log. Can you check with your hosting and see the content of error log? Thanks.

Facebook login given and I will contact Hosting provider

I got a notification of a sign in n Facebook.

Hi @irontamoor,

Please double check your facebook API setup. On revslider settings, you have added a Facebook Page. Then when I check the current API you have set, there’s no Facebook page attached to it. This Facebook page should also exist on the API setup.

*Edit. That is me logging in on Facebook checking API settings.

Thank you but how do I do that or check that?

Hi @irontamoor,

Can you try this:

  1. Login to FB account.
    2.) Then go to this URL:
    3.) On the upper part on the left of search text field, hover on MY APPS.
    4.) Select the APP that you are using on REVSLIDER Settings.
    5.) It was album test when I first check, but you might change it already because I didn’t see it right now. Anyway, just edit this APP, then look for the settings to add the page.

Hope this helps.

thank you
i am now using : F.BPS***
i tried to add the pages by settings > basic > add platform > “add page info”
still no improvement

edit accoding to FB you need FAbook Login/Graph API trying them now but no luck so far.

Hi There,

I found this error on your APP setup:

Currently Ineligible for Submission
Your submission is missing data in the following fields:
App Icon (1024 x 1024)

Please complete the information needed for your FB app setup. Let’s make sure there’s no issue on your FB app setup. I can see page tab is now added too. Then if the issue still persists, look for the error log.

thank you,
picure added, why do we need to create a facebook app? This was not a requiremnt before has the api changed?
this seems to be a new thing will i have to submit my app before i can get the slider to work?

looks like this a new thing with facebook you must now create a reviewed app in order to use the public gallrey api.

Facebook reports: (#10) To use ‘Page Public Content Access’, your use of this endpoint must be reviewed and approved by Facebook. To submit this ‘Page Public Content Access’ feature for review please read our documentation on reviewable features:

i will have to complte this and then let you know.

Sure, please let us know. I think it’s been like that before, it requires APP (not actual app) to get API keys and other permissions.


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