Responsive Text Under Masthead

On the first section of this page, under the masthead slider, I’m trying to have the text fit on mobile devices. The text with our phone number but it gets cut off on mobile.

Any help appreciated.


I checked the page but can’t see the text that you are referring to.

Can you provide us a screenshot of the text.

For the mean time, you can try to enable responsive text. Please refer to the link below for your guide.

Hope that helps

That video was not helpful. There was an icon on the side bar that almost looked like a ring, that must have been changed with a revision of the X Theme. There doesnt appear to be anyway to add a h-responsive text or control it, the way the video described it.

I’ve attached a screenshot of the text, right under the masthead slider at the top. It should read Call or text me but the Call is cut off and there is text missing to the right as well.

Hi Bob,

We were looking on the sample page you have provided, and the video is still correct even though it’s recorded from a bit older version. You have to go to Customizer section of your text element and add h-responsive

Then add the responsive text similar to the video, but yes, in a different location on the latest version.


Great, thank you. Now I have another issue. When it gets to mobile size, the box container gets bigger and only the text shrinks. Is it possible to either keep the box container the same size and have the text fill the container, by going to another line or shrink the container.

I’ve also noticed the text does not stay centered in the box vertically as different screen sizes are applied. Its in the center on the computer, but on mobile devices it shifts to the very bottom vertically on mobile devices.

Never mind. I resolved it. It seems that the when I created the section, I deleted the original margins. I recreated that section again and now everything is working as it should. Thank you.

You’re welcome! :slight_smile:

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