Remove spacing between elements

Hi. I’ve tried to add different classes using the explanations here ( but I just can’t seem to remove the space between 2 text elements. I’ve even tried using the Inspect Element in Chrome where I can see the space but no class is removing it.
Please help.

Hello @md_mitchell,

Thanks for writing in! All elements will receive some type of bottom spacing in X to ensure a vertical flow in the document for pages that aren’t built with the Content Builder (think a blog post, you want to ensure all of your headings, paragraphs, lists, et cetera all have spacing to lay out the document properly).

When using any of the Classic Text Elements, the content inside of this element will receive this margin spacing still. For example, your Element that contains the “Family & Friends” text is wrapped in a <p> tag, and that <p> tag itself is where the spacing is occurring. If you want to remove this spacing, you can add class="man" to the <p> tag to remove any margin from this element.

Hopefully that helps to point you in the right direction, cheers!

I tried adding the “man” class to the text elements but it isn’t shrinking the space. The issue is the same between the 2 text elements, possibly not within the text element itself.
So, the space between “friends & family” and the package name.


Hi There,

Please add the following code to Theme Options > CSS

p {
     margin-bottom: 10px;

Hope it helps