Hi there,
I’m trying to remove the sidebar on the blog index page and the single posts without success. Can you help please?
I’m working on this website: http://mark-hanson.co.uk/
Thanks as ever.
Hi there,
I’m trying to remove the sidebar on the blog index page and the single posts without success. Can you help please?
I’m working on this website: http://mark-hanson.co.uk/
Thanks as ever.
Hello @TheoryUnit,
Thanks for asking.
I don’t see sidebar on blog index page. However, you can remove sidebar from post page under X > Theme Options > Layout and Design > Content Layout > Fullwidth. https://cl.ly/313W370c2h0h
However, if you don’t want to show articles in a column layout in blog index page, you can make the necessary changes from X > Theme Options > Blog > Style > Standard.
Hi thanks for that, but unfortunately I need the content layout set to ‘sidebar left’ for the shop and products pages. I just need to remove it on the blog posts if possible.
Hello @TheoryUnit,
Thanks for asking.
You can add following CSS:
.single-post .x-sidebar.nano {
display: none;
.single-post .entry-wrap .x-container.max.width {
width: 100%;
Hi Prasant,
That very nearly did it thank you — but I have a gap where the lines of the navbar and footer stop, where the sidebar was previously and the content isn’t central.
Can this be rectified?
Thanks for your continued help.
Hi Matthew,
I tried to check your site but the coming soon page is still active and the admin access you have provided does not work anymore.
Kindly temporarily disable the coming soon page or provide us with the active logins so that we can check your current setup and provide you with the code suggestion.
Hope this helps.
Sorry, I’ll post the details below, not sure what happened there.
Hi There,
Please add this to your custom CSS.
.single-post {
padding-left: 0 !important;
Thanks for that Friech — it seems to work perfectly, but then when you scroll the page, the gap on the navbar line appears again.
Can that be fixed?
Hi There,
Sorry did not see that, please update my given CSS to:
.single-post.x-sidebar-content-active .x-navbar-fixed-top {left: 0;}
.single-post {padding-left: 0 !important;}
Perfect! Thanks so much.
Hi, can I ask another question please?
I have a Slider Revolution slider on the home page: http://mark-hanson.co.uk/ which contains Woocommerce products — currently when you click on a product it takes you to the shop page index; is it possible for each individual product to take you to the appropriate single product page instead?
Thanks for your help.
hi There,
Thanks for writing in!
Please check this article for your possible answer.
How ever I didn’t find any option in the slider to ling product details page. You can check the article. You may need custom development for this. The available option are here.
Hope this is clear!
Ah, that pointed me in the right direction, thank you Basanta.
All you have to do is put {{link}} in the Slide Link field under the Link & SEO tab and each product then links to the correct single product page, like this:
Thanks for you help.
You’re welcome, Matt. Glad it’s sorted.
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