Refund Upgrade to Pro

I purchased the X theme on Envato and when I validated my purchase I was promoted to upgrade to Pro for a discount. Issue is that Pro isn’t actually an upgrade. It removes beneficial features from the original that I wanted. It is a completely different theme and requires much more development time than I have to put in.

There was little explanation during the up-sell process to this switch. I’ve seen so many people asking to revert with Apex telling us that we can’t. Well, this is not usable for me and I would like a full refund.

I have figured out a way to use the original X theme. I will hopefully be able to continue to use it and then maybe upgrade to pro. I’m still unsure of what Pro does that the X doesn’t. Please do not refund at this point. Thank you.

I also have the same issue. Can you share how to use original X theme?

Hi there,

We had an article when Pro came out which I think will be the good source to find out the differences between X and Pro:

But the ultimate difference can be found in the tutorials. Kindly read this article to know the power of the Pro:

Pro is intended for more savvy customers which needs flexibility and don’t afraid of having too many options. It has a steeper learning curve than X but as soon as you get the hang of it you will see the vast possibilities you have in your hand.

Thank you.

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