Problem with MyFontsWebfontsKit


My client purchased MyFontsWebfontsKit (Helvetica Naue) for his site and I installed it yesterday. The instructions are:

“Include a reference to the Kit. Locate the CSS file in the Kit’s main folder. You should place a reference to this file in the head section of your website’s HTML code. Make sure that the reference appears on all HTML pages of your site.”

I have done this by inserting this line to the header.php in my child theme

But the problem seems to be that the link to the CSS file is only for the frontpage, when I view the source on subpages I cant see this reference to the CSS file. I have tried to set the code in this CSS file to the custom CSS for the site but the fonts still do not appear on the whole site. The URL is

Can you guys help me with this ?

Hi there,

Please kindly follow this link to know how to add reference to css file to the header of your website:

Kindly read the wp_head action section. Instead of the <script> example you add the reference of the CSS file.

Thank you.

Thank you ! This worked perfectly.

Great! Glad to be of a help :slight_smile:

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