Problem with Internet Explorer, displaying images and elements

Hi there,
There is a problem with Internet Explorer, displaying images and elements oversized, Opera, Chrome, Firefox, Edge all display without any problem.

Hope you can assist solving this problem, thank you.

Hey there,

Thanks for writing in! Please first make sure you’re fully updated, you can find the latest version numbers here: ( Then you can compare them to what’s installed on your site. If you find anything to be out of date, you can review our update guide.

If the issue persists then try adding the following code in the Theme Options > CSS:

.no-preserve3d .x-image img {
    width: 100%;
.no-preserve3d .x-masthead .x-image img {
    width: auto;

Hope this helps!

Hi there,

Thank you for your advice, Update to latest version X 6.2.5. didn’t solve this issue, but adding the code to Theme Options > CSS solved the oversized images but not the display problem with the Logo Showcase element.

please see example page:

Hey @flowdivision,

I checked your page in IE and I don’t see any oversized image. All images display like in Chrome.

I’d also just want to add more information regarding this case. You don’t necessarily need the CSS given by @Nabeel. This oversized image issue in IE happens because IE behaves differently and needs either the Width and/or the Max Width options of the image element to be set specifically.

Try setting the Max Width of all your images to 100%.

If you want 100% to be the default value of the Max Width, you can save it as the Image element’s preset and then save it as Element Default. For more information, please see


Hi Christian,

Thank for information, but is a said in my previus messages the problem was no longer the oversized images but the Logo Showcase element.

Please see the images or scroll down on the example page:

Hi @flowdivision,

May I know how should it appear? I checked on my IE and it’s displayed the same in my Chrome browser. What’s your IE version?


Hi there,

It should appear as in your example, I use IE version 11 but it shows as in my image, I cleaned all caches!

Hey @flowdivision,

I see the same thing as @Rad.

Regretfully, we have nothing more to suggest in this case since it’s working on our end. Also, I have found that you’re using a third party plugin to display those images. Please note that we do not have support for third party plugins. Please contact the plugin developer for this issue.


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