PRO vs Divi

Do you have any performance comparison between one of your biggest competitors? How well it’s performing against DIVI? When it comes to well coded, performing in speed etc. It’s all about speed nowadays. But no review is comparing Pro vs Divi. Maybe you guys can give it a shot to say what you do better or working on to improve to make it perform better etc.

I like PRO just want to know you work on making it faster, better and perform good in terms of speed and not add to many DOM element etc from scratch. Then it’s all about application optimization yes, but it should still be coded well and perform well out of the box.

Hey @bracas,

Please let me notify you first that discussion about competing products is prohibited according to our Community Guidelines.

Regretfully, we do not have a performance comparison and that will be hard to do because there are a lot of possible combinations you can use when you’re building a page. For example, theme Z might be good at a certain part but theme X offers this functionality, is well coded, etc.

Speaking only in terms of how well our products are coded, its performance and functionality, I can say that Pro is good all in those areas. Maybe some parts might have a few extra elements than the normal setup but that is only because of added features or functionality made available for our users.

The best person that could ultimately compare though is the user. There are third party comparisons out there in the web but they’re the reviewers’ personal opinion. And, each person has his or her own skill-sets and they grade themes based on that.

Personally, I’ve tested Divi. Based on functionality alone, Pro wins. In terms of code, I’ll just touch on this a bit. Compare the codes in the screenshot below.



In other aspects, maybe Divi could earn a few points. But again, that is MY personal opinion and the screenshots above does not tell the whole story and I’m not saying Divi is bad. If you really want a 1 to 1 comparison for what you intend to do, it requires more that looking at source code. I am just giving you an idea here. It ultimately depends on your needs which includes a lot of factors.

Elaborating more on what I just said might spark more discussion and that is not allowed here and is not a part of our support service.

And regarding product optimization, that is already a given. Our development team does not stop improving our products. Regretfully, we could not give specifics but rest assured that our products are continually being improved especially in terms of performance, user experience. and web development best practices.

As to what our plans for the future is, please check out our News Archive.


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