Pro v3.0.0 empty columns now include  ?

In Pro 2.x, empty columns would disappear on mobile sizes (SM XS). In Pro v3.0.1, it looks like they remain and take up physical space on mobile now (and I see that the contents seem to include a default  ). Is this an aspect of the new Row layout?

Just wanted to know, in case I need to hide anything at mobile that’s unique to v3.0.1


Hi Chris,

Thank you for writing in, I’ll let the Dev Team know about this, but moving forward please utilize the Hide During Breakpoints to hide an element/column in specific screen size.

You might want to check the new & improved feature of ROW, check it out on our Youtube Channel.


In fact, instead of using a 3-column layout but only utilizing the middle column, by using the new Row element, I can have a single column layout, with a width of 33%, and set to not grow to achieve the very same thing without any toggling of elements.

Thanks for the new flexibility in the row element.


Hi Chris,

You’re most welcome. We’re glad to hear you’re finding it useful. In the next point release we’re going to remove the   from the Column. This will reduce some of the vertical space, but we would still recommend using the hide by breakpoint method @friech has mentioned above. This will ensure you don’t get the vertical space that comes from the Row’s gap sizing. Alternatively, you could reduce the gap height to 0.

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