Pro update from X problems

Good day,

I have updated my X theme licenses to Pro. I can only work in the Customize section of the WP install. When I try to access Pro -> Launch; Pro-> Theme Options and Pages -> Edit with Pro, I get the spinning ball. The address is looking for an X folder that doesn’t exist as far as I can tell. I have done reinstalls to no avail. What can I do to solve this problem? The address is . Thanks!

Hi there,

Would you please first make sure that you followed the steps of the Conversion from X to Pro correctly as below:

Also, please follow the steps below:

  1. Ensure everything is up to date according to our version compatibility list here. Please follow the best practices when updating your theme and plugins. Click here for more information.
  2. If you’re using a CDN, please clear the CDN’s cache and disable optimization services.
  3. Test for a plugin conflict. You can do this by deactivating all third-party plugins, and see if the problem remains. If it’s fixed, you’ll know a plugin caused the problem, and you can narrow down which one by reactivating them one at a time.
  4. Remove custom CSS and Javascript from the options or Child Theme and test the case.
  5. Reset your htaccess file by renaming it to .htaccess-bak. Then in WP Admin Menu, go to Settings > Permalinks and just click the Save Changes button.
  6. Increase the PHP Memory Limit of your server. Click here for more detailed information and how to increase the PHP memory limit.

If you still have problems kindly get back to us with the URL/User/Pass of your WordPress dashboard using the Secure Note functionality of the post to follow up the case.

Thank you.

Hello There,

I have logged in and I do not see any issue. I can load the theme options, header builder and even the content editor.

Please clear your browser cache or use private browsing mode and test again.

That is not what I see in Safari. I get errors on my machines with missing files. I looked at the files on the server with verification from the server support guy. There are missing files that I do not have on the server. It seems that Pro only works in Google Chrome?

Developing on google chrome will solve anyones problems, to be honest.


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I have a lot of clients who have iPhones. Safari is the default mobile browser. Does Pro work in any other browsers? If you add the three missing files into the installer, it will work in Safari, correct?

Hi there,

The source map file error you see in Safari is not important. The source map file is the files that map between the development and production (Minified) version of the assets (CSS and Javascript Files) and is only a helper tool for developers to find proper sections of the code with a human-readable format. For more information:

That cannot because of any issue, and actually I managed to access to Pro > Launch > Theme Options with no problem:

I used Safari version 11.0.3 n my Macbook Pro. If you still experience the problem try to clear your browser cache or check the case with another machine.

Thank you

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Thank You for the quick reply. I ran the Pro installation on another machine and it rendered no problem. Safari 9.1.3 does not render Pro properly. You may want to put a small line in the X To Pro Conversion steps that Pro should be viewed in an updated 2017+ version of the browser you are using. Would that work? Thanks!

Thanks for the feedback.
It has been noted and forwarded to the person in charge.

Best Regards.

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