Pro theme editor not loading, stuck on spinning wheel

I can’t figure out why this is happening, can anybody help? Thanks

Hi there,

Thanks for writing in.

It could be related to this and your host security is deleting cs-vendor.js file due to that. I can confirm that this file /wp-content/themes/pro/cornerstone/assets/dist-app/js/cs-vendor.js is missing in your hosting’s file manager.

The only way to temporary solve this is to disable the security that deletes the file, then re-install Pro (or cornerstone when using X theme) to make sure all files are there.


Thanks for the speedy reply, is it a plug-in that would be deleting this file?

Hey There,

It is your server’s security feature that deletes this file. It detected that this file contains a malware that’s why it was remove from your server.

Hope this explains the issue briefly.

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