PRO: styling Text and Headline elements

Hi there,
I’m struggling to understand how to correctly style the headline elements in PRO theme.

The theme options Typography is set at the default 14 px, stepped.

I also looked at Templates and see that it is possible to define the font face for Headings and Body (body copy).

The “body copy” option doesn’t change the type however when the Theme Options are set to INHERIT. So I need to remember to change that in Typography options as well as Headings, separately.

(It wasn’t obvious to look in TEMPLATES for FONTS & COLORS. I´m familiar with the usage of templates in the context of page layouts and STYLES for typography and colors.

So, back to insert Headline and Text elements. On the content page builder, there is alot of manual tweaking / labor involved in changing the base type font size for each element.

Heading element sizes are set to 1 em by default and not 14 px (or 1.4 em)
Heading elements also don’t seem to pick up the global Typography (TEMPLATE) option for font face either.

Other elements such as Widget Area have base font sizes set in pixels (not em)

Also, there seems to be missing an option for applying custom classes to heading elements. For example, if a custom graphic icon is used together with a heading element, I can’t easily style that heading block in the editor using css because the custom graphic icon won’t pick up that class. The icon remains at a fixed font size while heading size changes.

Can you help me with applying styles to text and heading elements efficiently?

Kind regards.

Hey @Mbzo,

We understand that it is cumbersome to setup text separately per page. This is why the Template Manager feature is on the way.

For now, CSS is needed. You can assign a class to the Headline element (or any element because all of them has a class field under Customize) and then style that class. You can use that in combination with inspecting the actual HTML code for targeting specific areas.


Hey, I overlooked that feature. I will go back and check again.
Thanks for your assistance!

You are welcome!

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