Pro: sticky header positioning


see this page

the top menu is sticky- but when I scroll it jumps to the left- not sure how to get it to be the same position as the initial centered position

any help would be great

Hey @b960a518-a049-4215-9,

I believe you have this custom CSS in your Bar’s Element CSS:

$el {
  max-width: 700px;
  margin: 0 auto;

Please remove it and instead, apply the Max Width and the rest of your design to the Container by setting the Container’s Max Width option.

The container also has a border radius setting so you can set the border radius in there as well so you won’t have to code.

If that’s not clear, maybe this screencast might help.

Hope that helps.

well thats simply best support I have experienced with any plugin- Thank you so much

I was angry when I first installed the theme - but I love how my site is looking and the support has been fantastic- thank you

You are most welcome. We are glad to assist you. :slight_smile:

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