Pro Slider Element Gesture


I have 2 images try to show by using the Pro’s Slider, but the gesture of “Touch Navigation” it offers is kind of weird. Is there a way to adjust the gesture of the “Touch Navigation” of the Slider element to make it more natural, like mobile gesture feel? Like use js or css ?

Hi There,

Please provide your URL and if possible an website as a reference so we can better understand what you are looking for.

Thank you

Hi Joao,

I didn’t use the Slider element on my site yet, since the swipe gesture is not what I expected.
U can try the slider element on any mobile device and swipe then u may know what i mean. I am wondering is the slider element able to do the natural swipe gesture like this:


Hi There,

It is possible with JS and CSS but it would be outside the scope of our support. Why not use other bundled plugins? Try Revolution Slider. It has more settings to customize to your preferred animation.