Pro - Script conflict on page when trying to edit

Hey there,

I have a similar problem as @tiggertx. I tried to restore old backups, optimize my DB, disable plugins and checked my server set , no avail.

The issue is on my live and dev sites ( and

Thanks and best regards,


Hello There,

Thanks for writing in and the very detailed post information. The FTP credentials is not working. Please double check it. I patiently waited for the builder to load and it did load.

I could say that your server is acting up slow yet still loads the builder. I am not seeing the error. The error may occur occasionally.

Have you increased the PHP memory limit in your wp-config.php file already?

Please let us know how it goes.

Hello There,

Thank you for login into my dev server. I agree that the server is slow these days. I will check with my host. My internet speed is 82Mb/22Mb so that’s not the issue. Also I can edit alright in Pro on two other sites ( and and in X on another ( So I don’t think the host speed is the primary issue here.

A good news - and a relief - is that the builder is loading for you. For me it still isn’t. For instance when I want to edit the page “strategos”, here is what I get and here the link to the actual page .
You mention that I should increase the memory. Do I need to go beyond the 256.0 MiB mentioned in the server information? If yes, how? Thanks. I am not a techie.
I noticed that you tried to do some changes to woocommerce. Please note that I don’t use it right now on the site.
I will check my ftp credentials and append them again.

Thanks a lot for your help and best regards,


Speed is not too bad!/dAdPrw/ and given the fact that I don’t use a CDN

Hello There,

I was able to logged in to your ftp. I went ahead and edited the wp-config.php file of the dev site. i have increase it to more than 256MB and see how it goes. With your Strategos page, I can see that you have 4 revisions. Did you edited this page outside of Cornerstone or you may have switched the editor (visual/text/pro)? Please keep in mind that you are not supposed to edit the page outside of Cornerstone. Doing so may corrupt the cornerstone data which will no longer allow you to edit it back in Cornerstone. If in any case, you have migrated this site from a different server or installation, how did you do it? Please check out our knowledge base on how to do the migration:

Please let us know how it goes.

Hello There,
thanks a lot. You are right. The problem is only on certain pages. I haven’t edited them outside of Cornerstone, but some of my colleagues may have. I will redo them once the V2 elements are out, as I read that these will offer new possibilites.
Thanks again and have a good Sunday,

Glad that we could be of a help. Thank you.

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