Pro headers with event calendar pages

Hi there, I’m trying to assign a header to all pages and sub pages built in an events calendar. I just can’t get all of them. for instance this is working
But if I go to here It doesn’t show the header.

Many thanks in advance if you can help


Hi There,

First, you have to installed and activated the child theme first:

Second, you need to get the post ID of the header you’d like to assign. The easy way to do that is to simply hover over the Edit link in the builder, and take a look at the URL in your status bar. It should look similar to

That 1234 is the post ID you need for this snippet. Want a custom header on your search results page? Place this in your child theme’s functions.php file:

add_filter('cs_match_header_assignment', 'custom_archive_header');
function custom_archive_header($match) {
	if ( is_tax('events-category') ) {
		$match = 1234; // the post ID for your header
	return $match;

For more information about the is_tax function, please take a look at this:

Hope it helps :slight_smile:

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