Pro Headers & Footers & WPML

I can’t seem to understand the behaviour with translatable headers and footers.

Sometimes, I update the content in a footer or a header in one language and saving the modification updates the content in BOTH languages. Sometimes, it only saves it in one language. I am not too sure how I should proceed to make sure that only ONE language is affected.

It seems like its a bug, but I can’t seem to pin it down to a specific chain of action I am doing.

Hi there,

First of all, please make a complete backup of your website and update the theme to version 2.0.2.

Secondly, make sure that you follow the instructions below to setup the WPML correctly:

Finally, I checked the issue tracker and I see that we have few cases reported regarding the Header/Footer translation inconsistency and resetting the languages.

Our developers are aware of the issue and they will follow up the case.

Thank you.

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