Hello, forgive my written English, if it is not understandable.
URL: neatique.com
Product: Pro
Problem description:
I have recently purchased the PRO license and I’m starting to use the header editor, but a problem often occurs:
When I access the header editor I click on the title I gave to the header and then show the preview, but then when I click EDIT and inside the editor the work is not shown visually, only the settings in the Layout Inspector section seem to be loaded.
So I think the work is saved but not shown.
Useful data:
- The wordpress version is 4.8.3, I have no plug-ins installed and active.
The PHP version I selected on hosting service is 7.1.8.
I don’t use CDN’s cache.
Tested Solutions
I tried to clear the cache browser from chrome, as suggested in another support post, and sometimes it works (1 time out of 10), but not always.
I also tried to increase the allocated memory, as suggested by @Jade in this post:
by inserting in the wp-config. php file, below
/* That’s all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */
These commands
define( 'WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '256M' ); define( 'WP_MAX_MEMORY_LIMIT', '512M' );
Unfortunately, it does not seem to work.
Thank you for your help
Good work for the staff