PRO Header Container will not hide

Hi there, it has been some time since I have used X and PRO and just getting back into it. I have certain containers set to hide at all of the breakpoints under 979px. The problem? It won’t hide. It remains at all sizes.

Here is a video of what I’m talking about

Hi there,

Thank you for providing the video. I checked your website and could not find any reason why this should not work in your environment. The feature is working with no problem on my installation.

I suggest that you update the theme to version 1.2.6, and then check for possible problems below:

  • Check for 3rd party plugin conflict by deactivating all plugins and check the case. If it is fixed then you will need to activate the plugins one by one to find the plugin responsible for the problem.

  • Make sure that you do not have any caching system. If you do make sure you purge the caches

  • If you are using a system to minify the JS/CSS assets, please make sure that the assets of the Pro Editor are excluded as that stuff are already minified and if you minify them again it will not work correctly.

Get back to us with the result of the tests above, if you still have problems kindly also give us the website credentials using the Secure Note functionality of the theme to follow up the case.

  • WordPress Dashboard URL
  • WordPress Dashboard User
  • WordPress Dashboard Password

Thank you.

Okay, I’m not using any caching or minify systems. I updated theme and tried deactivating plugins, but it is still behaving the same (ignoring my hide requests). I left a secure note on my 2nd reply in this thread.

Hi there,

Could you try it again? I just re-saved it and it’s now working.


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