Portfolio: Setting order of display

Question 1: I have a cartoon gallery that I’m using the portfolio feature for display. I need the cartoons to show in a certain order which I thought that they would display in posted order but they are not.They are getting out of posted order. Please advise. Also, if you know a better tool for the cartoon gallery, please let me know.

Question 2: I want to have the page title be Cartoon Gallery instead of Portfolio. Will I need to do this in the theme PHP file?


Thanks for your help.

Question 3: I would also like to remove the hoover properties such as when the image is darkened and the link image displays. I want it to be a static page for cartoons only, no linking. Thanks

Hi @janfox,

Thank you for reaching out to us.

  1. The portfolio items are displayed in the published date order by default. Please check the published dates of your posts. Alternatively you can use Essential Grid to display your cartoon gallery. Please see https://theme.co/apex/forum/t/extension-essential-grid/68

  2. To change the portfolio title, simply change the title of the page from Portfolio to Cartoon Gallery

  3. To remove the hover properties from the images, add the following code in the Theme Options > CSS:

.x-portfolio .entry-thumb {
    pointer-events: none;

Hope this helps!

Thank you @Nabeel, that was perfect!

One question. How do I make the page background color white? I can’t seem to get the correct classes. Thanks for your help.

Hey @janfox,

You can change the background color via Theme Options > Layout and Design > Background Options

I see a demo background image on your site, to remove that upload a dummy background image and remove it.

Hope this helps!

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