Portfolio: Load Items Outside Initial Page Filtering Option


I have the following page - which contains about 130 portfolio items and therefore takes a while to load (10MB of image files!). Ideally I wish to:

  1. Have the page load only the ‘Cafe’ portfolio items when first served. I understand that I can select this via the portfolio page option.

  2. However if I limit the page filter to ‘Cafe’, the other ‘non-Cafe’ portfolio items are forever hidden.

Is there a way to firstly only load the ‘Cafe’ items (1), then load the other ‘hidden’ portfolio items if a user selects another filter?


Hi @dozingquinn,

Thanks for reaching out.

That’s not currently possible, but this feature is already available through bundled plugins like Essential Grid or The Grid. You can either use Ajax pagination or infinite scroll. Please check these https://www.themepunch.com/essgrid-doc/columns-rows-pagination/, https://theme-one.com/docs/the-grid/#pagination_settings.

Then once you created a page where this grid is active, you can simply edit your portfolio items and set its parent to the page where your grid is. Please check this too https://theme.co/apex/forum/t/meta-options-portfolio-items/145


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