Portfolio Item Issues

Hi I recently changed from X to pro and have deleted all my previous content on my site and started creating a new structure.

I am using the Church template and have portfolio items i am using to showcase the events we perform at.

There are several issues i am having which are probably easily resolved I have seen one support post about an issue but have been unable to address and am a little confused so any assistance would be appreciated.

  1. Any items I add to the portfolio have the following type of url https://www.westendduo.com/portfolio-item/case-study-6/

Is there a way to remove the porfoilo-item and change to events which is the page i am planning to use to showcase the items. I have tried editing on this page and changing the parent but their is no option to do that. I have also tried to remove this page https://www.westendduo.com/portfolio-item/ but it does not appear to have any way to edit it there.

I will be using this page to showcase with simple category filter https://www.westendduo.com/events/

Can you advise how to resolve?

Thank you

Hi @Basstimg,

Thanks for reaching out.

Would you mind providing the correct login credentials? I can’t check the issue due to the coming soon page.


Apologises I think it must have reset thew login due to restoring the site to another date. I have updated and the login I provided is now correct again ")

Hi @Basstimg,

Thanks, I checked and there is no event plugin that uses the same permalink, so it’s safe to do it this way.

  1. Please go to Theme Options > Portfolio > Custom URL Slug and change it to event instead of portfolio-item. There should be no s or it will conflict with your existing page events

  1. Then please go to Admin > Settings > Permalinks and re-save it, that’s to make sure the URL changes is also saved on Wordpress’ rewrite config.


Thank you so much I actually do have a page called events here:

So annoying and trying to avoid the issues i have on other site is there a way to change the name and permalink and use instead of portfolio-item without creating any issues ?


Hello @Basstimg,

https://www.westendduo.com/events/ is a normal page using the Layout - Portfolio page template so that the portfolio items will be displayed on that pages.

Having to have a url like https://www.westendduo.com/events/some-page-here/ is only possible if and only if Some Page Here is a child page of the Events page. And that is not the case with portfolio items because they are not child pages of the Events page. Portfolio items are custom post type and the Events page is only a page container to display the portfolio items. This is why you cannot have events in each of the portfolio url because it will just give you a conflict.

What you can use as the url slug is event instead. The resulting URLS would be:

And if you are curious, when you check on this url: https://www.westendduo.com/event/, this is the archive page of the portfolio items displayed in chronological order.

Hope this explains it briefly.

Fantastic information and solution your a legend !!!

Thank you so so much :slight_smile:

UPDATE sorry deleted my previous query as i worked out how to add new portfolio categories so now only need to know how to remove the default categories from the filter on this page:


Any advice appreciated

Hey @Basstimg,

To remove the categories in the portfolio page, please go to Pages, find the page and edit it.

Once you are in the page editing screen, find the Portfolio Settings:

You will need to disable the Portfolio Filtering to get rid of those categories:

To know more about the Portfolio and the portfolio items, please check this out:

Thank you isn’t there a way to remove the three portfolio categories with code? and just be left with my future and past event categories? it would be a very useful feature for my site and surprised it doesn;lt allows you to choose your own categories to display that would seem pretty standard feature?

Thank you

Hello @Basstimg,

Actually you can simply go to WP Dashboard > Portfolio > Portfolio Categories and delete the portfolio category that you no longer need to appear or use in your site.

Hope this helps.

Thank you I have done that and have the items showing on the page and they also show up for all but when I click the filter for future or past nothing shows at all?

You can see here https://www.westendduo.com/events/

Hey @Basstimg,

This was a known issue in Pro 3.1.1 and has been fixed the version after. Please update to Pro 3.1.2. See https://theme.co/changelog/


Fantastic thank you worked a treat.

This is the final question about the post-items.

On the items that came with the demo there was q button See it live with text above it saying"Launch Project"

I think I can change the works of the button in the portfolio section of the customer but how uni add a global link to post item buttons that send to contact page?

Also all the new portfolio items I create do not have the button or text on it is there a way to get this on all post items ?

Hi @Basstimg,

For that, you’ll have to add a template file that overrides the default one.

  1. Please install a child theme, please check this https://theme.co/apex/forum/t/setup-how-to-setup-child-themes/57

  2. Please create a php file named content-portfolio.php in the folder /pro-child/framework/views/ethos/, hence it should be /wp-content/themes/pro-child/framework/views/ethos/content-portfolio.php. You can easily do this with your hosting’s file manager, else you have to do it with FTP https://www.wired.com/2010/02/ftp_for_beginners/

  3. Then that file should contain this code


// =============================================================================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Portfolio post output for Ethos.
// =============================================================================


<article id="post-<?php the_ID(); ?>" <?php post_class(); ?>>
  <?php x_ethos_entry_top_navigation(); ?>
  <div class="entry-featured">
    <?php x_portfolio_item_featured_content(); ?>
  <div class="entry-wrap cf">
    <?php x_get_view( 'global', '_content', 'the-content' ); ?>
    <div class="entry-extra">

 $project_link  = 'https://www.westendduo.com/get-in-touch/';
  $launch_title  = x_get_option( 'x_portfolio_launch_project_title' );
  $launch_button = x_get_option( 'x_portfolio_launch_project_button_text' );

  if ( $project_link ) :


  <h2 class="h-extra launch"><?php echo $launch_title; ?></h2>
  <a href="<?php echo $project_link; ?>" title="<?php echo $launch_button; ?>" class="x-btn x-btn-block" <?php x_output_target_blank(); ?>><?php echo $launch_button; ?></a>



      <?php x_portfolio_item_tags(); ?>
      <?php x_portfolio_item_social(); ?>

Hope this helps.


Hi Rad thank you for that I have followed all the steps but it didn’t work is there an issue with the code?

Hi @Basstimg,

I checked your site and I don’t see the file you have added/created. If you’re using FTP, you should upload it to the designated folder /wp-content/themes/pro-child/framework/views/ethos/

This is an example


Thanks Rad

I went back and checked and there was a . on the end of the php I removed the file and cerated another and now its working fine thank you alot

Glad it’s working now and you’re most welcome!

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