Portfolio FIlter does not show

the filter that I have set to “full website” “all” “one page” is not showing


Hi there,

Thanks for writing in.

The filter is part of the landmark in integrity stack, and there is no landmark when you use a custom header (pro header builder). The solution is by adding a text element in your header and add this shortcode


That should do the same.


Where am I adding this filter? I want to show above the different portfolios and not in the header.

The red box in the link below is where I want the filter

Hi There,

Please try adding this code under functions.php file locates in your child theme:

add_action( 'x_before_view_global__portfolio', 'x_print_html' );
function x_print_html(){
	echo do_shortcode( '[x_portfolio_filters]');

Let us know how it goes!

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Glad we were able to help :slight_smile:

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