Popup Button for Gallery

Hello Team

I am looking to get add a button when clicks opens up a lightbox containing gallery images.

I have managed to get everything to work by following a x theme form here BUT I can’t get it to work on mobile.

My code as as follows:

In Text Element

<div class="lightbox-group">
[button type="flat" shape="rounded" size="x-large" block="true" title="Example" class="gallery-button"][x_icon type="picture-o"]Gallery[/button]
[gallery link="file" ids="4439,4048"]
[lightbox thumbnails="true" selector=".lightbox-group .gallery-item a"]


* Gallery Button */
.lightbox-group {
  background-color: rgb(54,60,69);

.lightbox-group .gallery {
 display: none;

.ilightbox-next {
  left: 1500px !important;

.ilightbox-prev {
  left: -500px !important;

.x-btn .gallery-button {
  text-shadow: none !important;


jQuery ( function($) {
  $('.lightbox-group .gallery-button').off('touchstart touchend').on('click', function() {
  		$('.lightbox-group .gallery-item:first-child a').trigger('click');
  } );
} );

Please can you help with understanding why this is not working on mobile.


Hi Stefan,

Thank you for writing in, instead of customizing the Lightbox shortcode, please utilize the Envira Gallery extension.

After you created a Gallery use the 3rd shortcode for adding a text link trigger to launch the gallery.

You can then style the text to make it look like a button.

Hope it helps,

Using another plugin is not ideal but is managed to get me over the line

Hello Stefan,

Your code is broken:

<div class="lightbox-group">
[button type="flat" shape="rounded" size="x-large" block="true" title="Example" class="gallery-button"][x_icon type="picture-o"]Gallery[/button]
[gallery link="file" ids="4439,4048"]
[lightbox thumbnails="true" selector=".lightbox-group .gallery-item a"]

You need to update it and use this:

<div class="lightbox-group">
[button type="flat" shape="rounded" size="x-large" block="true" title="Example" class="gallery-button"][x_icon type="picture-o"]Gallery[/button]
[gallery link="file" ids="4439,4048"]
[lightbox thumbnails="true" selector=".lightbox-group .gallery-item a"]

Just to manage your expectations, this isn’t specifically a theme issue, but rather, your customisation of it. So whilst I have happily provided you with some guidance above on how to get it working, we cannot provide theme customisation as a general rule, or support custom code solutions provided. Therefore, you might find it helpful to check out the following:

CSS Selector Reference
How to find the css selector in chrome

Best Regards.

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