Polylang with Pro (Headers & Footers)

Using Pro and building up our new website at the moment. The site is going to be multilingual and we’re using Polylang.

For instance, i’ve created separated menus for english and swedish and then i’m creating separate headers in pro for english and swedish. It seems i’m only able to assign headers to the original english pages that are created in wordpress but there’re like duplicated pages in wordpress for each languages.

Anyone got an idea here? Is Pro not compatible with plugins like Polylang when it comes to assign custom headers and footers?

Thanks in advance!

Hi there,

Thanks for writing in.

There are issues with permalinks as of this moment, which probably our developers are already fixing. In WPML, the workaround is adding language code in the URL when launching the dashboard manually, example, http://example.com/en/x/, http://example.com/fr/x/. I haven’t checked it with Polylang yet but I’ll forward it too.


Thanks for your reply @iam!

I’ll see. Would be really great if this could be fixed. I was trying with the /en/x in the URL as you mentioned but it does not seems to work with Polylang.

Hi there,

In the WPML plugin, there is a setting which you can set by going to Languages menu and change the Mod from parameter based (?lang-en) to sub directory mod: /en/

I am not sure if such a setting is available in Polylang or it supports such a URL scheme at all. Kindly contact their support and ask about that.

Thank you.

You can set directory i.e. /en/ in Polylang but I could not get the X dashboard to load in different languages, /se/ /en/ etc.

Instead I took the easy way – bought and install WPML :wink:

Hehe… We will also improve the experience in WPML in upcoming releases for sure.

Thank you.