Place the menu on the side of the page for logged in users

Can I place the menu on the side of the page for logged in users? If so what’s the recommended way to go about it?


Hi There,

Did you mean to add the custom menu to sidebar of your pages?

You can drag & drop the navigation menu widget to your main sidebar:

Then hide this custom menu for non-logged in user by adding this custom CSS under Theme Options > CSS:

body:not(.logged-in) .x-sidebar .widget_nav_menu {
    display: none;

Let us know how it goes!


Thanks for your prompt response. But it’s not sidebar menu. I’d like a the whole menu to be positioned on the left of the screen vs top of the screen for logged in users. An alternative header position I guess - to the left - for logged in users.

Is that possible?


Hi Ayham,

It could be technically possible with some custom development, however it would be outside the scope of the support that we can offer.

If you have specific X theme related issues, we’re happy to assist you.

Thanks for understanding.

Of course. totally understand.

Heres a question though, is what I asked possible without custom development in Pro theme?


Hi there,

Although you can create multiple headers with Pro, there won’t be an option in the header builder where you can have the header enabled if a user is logged in or not.

But if the pages that the logged in users is different from the non logged in users, what you are trying to do is possible with Pro because you will be able to set which pages the headers will be set to.

You can find a video intro for Pro header here:

Hope this helps.

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