Paragraphs and/or line breaks in a <blockquote>

I saw this in an older post in the old forum, but I didn’t see that it was answered. I use blockquotes extensively, and some of them have paragraphs. I put them in manually, and as long as I don’t edit the post again, the breaks stay there. If I do ANYTHING to post, though, it strips all the paragraph or line break code I put it. Is there a fix for this?

Hi There,

It’s really weird. The line break is working fine on my end in the blockquote element:

Could you please provide us with your website URL and admin account so we can take a closer look?

P/S: You can provide us with your admin account under the Secure Note button

Many thanks.

Hey Thai! Thanks for getting back to me. There is no secure note button for me to send my creds to you. I only have link, bookmark and like.

The problem is that I can enter the line breaks in a block quote, save it, and they will stay in place UNTIL I edit and save something else. Then, the breaks are stripped from the code in the “text” section.

Hi there,

Sorry about the confusion, the image above is where the secure note is for moderators, you should see the secure note as “secure note” with a key icon at the bottom of each post as described here:


Hi there,

Thank you for providing the login credentials. I added a test page and used the <br> tag to make the line breaks. Blockquote tag can not have block level elements such as p tag inside itself as a standard HTML validation says that.

You are right paragraph tags will strip out on the next save. The solution is the usage of inline level elements such as <br> <span> ...

Thank you.

Thanks for your response. The one thing I did not mention is that this issues is in my posts, not pages, and that I’m not using Cornerstone for my blog. I have been using the <br> tag and not the <p> tag, but it DOES get stripped on a re-save. Can you give me an example of how to use <span> in a non-Cornerstone post in order to retain the breaks?

Hi There,

You can use like this, note I added a double break tag for more spacing or a single for less, once you apply you will notice.

[blockquote cite="Mr. WordPress" type="left"]It was the most amazing WordPress theme I had ever seen.<br><br> Such beauty. Such grace. Such elegance. She was everything I never knew I wanted and so much more. <br>My beloved X will be with me always.[/blockquote]

Hope it helps!

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