Page - Featured Thumb Image

I hide the large image at the top of posts and pages. My posts still show thumb images on the search/index pages but my pages do not show the image. Is there a way to show the image for pages on the search/index pages?

Here is the code we used to hide the image at the top of pages.

/Remove Featured Image on Pages/
.page .entry-featured {
display: none;

Here is the code we use to hide images at the top of posts:

/Hide Post Feature Header Image/
.single-post .entry-featured {

Hi @LorenAbility360,

Please make sure you have added featured image on pages. Then please use either default or Layout page template from the following page template choices:

Blank No Container and Blank Container templates doesn’t show feature image by default.
For more information about page templates, please check this documentation.

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