Oops you blew Up the Internet

All my film under my portfolio are embedded and none of the links are working - page not forund, you blew up the internet comes up.

I’ve made sure permalinks are set to post sample

I’ve cleared style cache under X settings

I read a different post that this happened with YouTube embedded videos, so maye could be the reason of my problem I am using vimeo
Do I need to install X 6.5.5 ? Can you send me the file.

Hello @LucyKeile,

Thanks for writing in!

This issue is a known bug in X 6.5.6. You can revert back to version X 6.5.5 if you still have a backup copy. And if there is none, you may need to add the following code in your child theme’s functions.php file:

// Custom Featured Video
// =============================================================================

if ( ! function_exists( 'x_featured_video' ) ) :
  function x_featured_video( $post_type = 'video' ) {

    $entry_id     = get_the_ID();
    $stack        = x_get_stack();
    $aspect_ratio = get_post_meta( $entry_id, '_x_' . $post_type . '_aspect_ratio', true );
    $m4v          = get_post_meta( $entry_id, '_x_' . $post_type . '_m4v', true );
    $ogv          = get_post_meta( $entry_id, '_x_' . $post_type . '_ogv', true );
    $embed        = get_post_meta( $entry_id, '_x_' . $post_type . '_embed', true );
    $fullwidth    = ( in_array( 'x-full-width-active', get_body_class() ) ) ? true : false;

    if ( $fullwidth ) {
      $poster = wp_get_attachment_image_src( get_post_thumbnail_id( $entry_id ), 'entry-fullwidth', false );
    } else {
      $poster = wp_get_attachment_image_src( get_post_thumbnail_id( $entry_id ), 'entry', false );

    if ( $embed != '' ) {
      echo do_shortcode( '[x_video_embed type="' . $aspect_ratio . '" no_container="true" class="mvn"]' . stripslashes( wp_specialchars_decode( $embed, ENT_QUOTES ) ) . '[/x_video_embed]' );
    } else {
      echo do_shortcode( '[x_video_player m4v="' . $m4v . '" ogv="' . $ogv . '" poster="' . $poster[0] . '" type="' . $aspect_ratio . '" advanced_controls="true" preload="metadata" hide_controls="false" autoplay="false" loop="false" muted="false" no_container="true" class="custom by x staff mvn"]' );


This is a temporary fix. You may remove this when the X 6.6.0 will be available.

Please let us know how it goes.

I did as you suggested and it works. Will the next theme have these issues fixed?
BTW thank you

Hey @LucyKeile,

If you’ve child theme active then go to Appearance > Editor

Then click on Theme Functions (functions.php) file:

Now copy the above code and paste it at the end of the file. Let us know how this goes!

P.S: I see you’ve edited your reply, yes we’ve already submitted this to our issue tracker so the developers will be made aware of it.


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