One section / page scroll

Hi there.

How do I achieve the same scroll effect as here:


Hi @nblund,

Thanks for writing in.

I believe that it can be done with revolution slider.

For example,

Revolution slider is compatible with X theme. You can check the link below for more details.

Hope it helps.

Let us know how it goes.


Hi there.

Since I am planning to integrate a solution like that across my site, I am not too happy with the idea of it all being run in Revolution Slider. Is there a way I can use some of the One Page Navigation code of yours to implement the requested functionality?


Hey @nblund,

This is not a feature offered by Pro. Since you don’t want to use Slider Revolution, you’ll need another plugin that can do that or build your own function.


Hi There,

You can achieve something similar but not with the same effect but it will look good as well altough simpler.

You can test.

Create 3 sections on Cornerstone.

Add a background image or a solid color to each section.

On your section > Customize tab > Inline CSS > you will add: min-heigh: 100vh;

Add an ID to each section, for example: my-section 1 , my-section-2 , my-section 3

You can than add your content to the page and below your content you will add an text element and add:

<a style="font-size: 30px;" href="#my-section-1">[x_icon type="chevron-down"]</a>

You can use a gap between your content and the arrow created to make sure your arrow is at the bottom of your page.

Let us know how it goes.

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