Newbie on Page 1 of Getting Started Guide

I am a new X-Pro user and am trying to work through the guide.
One question right off the bat:
The very first screenshot of the dashboard it says; “…you’ll notice that there is ALWAYS the latest versions of X, Pro and Cornerstone available to download.” My screen shows only Pro.
Am I missing something?

Hey There,

X comes with a page builder called Cornerstone. When using Pro you do not need this. Let us know if you have any additional questions.

Thanks @rubin, but I requested a refund.
Part of my problem is that the Knowledge Base Guide we are instructed to follow does not tell you that. Just like with the Demos, I had to search for information on the forum just to discover they are not included with Pro. That may be fine, but if I’m going to pay extra for an upgrade, I expect to find instructions and/or an easy to follow tutorial. I shouldn’t have to search for what I can’t find. And if it’s not in the guide, then how would I even know I don’t have it, or don’t need it?
My experience level requires something much more comprehensive and easy to follow.

Hi Paul,

We certainly appreciate the feedback, we are actually in a process of rebuilding our Knowledge Base as some of the guides there are not suitable for the latest version anymore.

Thank you for understanding,

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