New video widget place and size problems

I use the “Video” widget in cornerstone (not the “classic embed video”), and it seems that there is no way to control its size. I would like it to match the width of its column while maintaining the correct aspect ratio. Now it has a fixed size - which looks weird and improperly align in most screen sizes.
Thank you in advance

Hello there,

Currently, there’s no option to control the video size. But you can control the size using CSS. Send us your site link and we’ll help our best.

Best regards.

How do I make a private reply?

Hi There,

Please check how to use a secure note on :

Hope it helps!

This is the URL:

Please let us know your expected size of the video section.


I want it to take to the full size of its column so it will look good in all screen sizes

Hi there,

There is a max-width applied to it, the video should be responsive and follow the column’s width. But it’s not gonna happen due to max width.

Please inspect your video element, then go to Frame section and find the Width & Max Width, and make sure both values are set to 100, with both having a % unit.


Works perfectly, thank you so much!

You’re most welcome!

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