Navigation Dropdown on iPhone

Hi There,

To fix this issue, please add this custom CSS under X > Theme OPtions > CSS:

.x-active ~ ul.sub-menu.x-dropdown {
    height: auto !important;

Hope it helps :slight_smile:

hi thai,
thanks for your css! but it did not change a thing. (i put it in the global theme css like you suggested).
what is it supposed to fix? is there a bug? what issue are your referring to?
also: i really would like the menu behave differently like described. can the submenus please push down the next main button when opening?
thanks again! kai

Hi there,

I went to Pro > Launch > Theme Options > CSS and removed all the CSS code you had there temporarily and the problem is fixed.

I put back the code, please check your customuzation and delete the part that causes the issue.

Thank you.

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thanks christopher!
i did the same and experience a whole new set of problems:
the menu now slides out to the left into out of the visible screen.
i still can select more than one top menu button and the submenus keep overlapping.
some screenshots to show you the result.
all i want is a very simple mobile menu. should i choose another element?
thanks a lot! kai
ps: i still with with several issues you wanted to fix after the template manager update. when will this be ready?

Hi Kai,

Yes, I suggest you create a simpler menu under Appearance > Menu then add another element and make it visible only in mobile.

With regards to the template manager that will be available this Feb.


hi paul,

i really don’t like your suggestion and solution!

i use here the “pro” theme and would like to make use of its features and in this case menus!

what seems to be the problem here? why is it not working? this needs to be a rather professional website and of now it feels like a patchwork already. many fixes themeco suggested to make things work. no extra special wishes from my side (but the background picture - which was not my idea - sorry) but only stuff which did not work as it should. and now this…

please let me know how i can make use of a proper and stylish mobile menu on my site. i already moved from one menu element to this one to avoid bugs. now i am ready to move to another one. but which?

that the menu gets stuck in the middle of the screen is definitely some bug in my eyes. i described what i did and guess why it is so. please help me here!

thanks a lot! kai

Hi There,

The second scrolling bar appears when your content width are wider than actually your body. You could check your settings in order to avoid that.

I have fixed by hiding the overflow.

Regarding the navbar jumping to the middle of the screen it is a known issue when adding more than 1 sticky bar on the header builder which we are working on solving it. I have added a simple CSS which fixes the issue.

I added to your Theme Options CSS :

.hm5.x-bar {
   top: 0px !Important;
body {
    overflow: hidden;

Hope it helps!

dear joao,

thanks so much for your help! this seems to fix even other issues with the menu :slight_smile:
there are still cases when the submenu buttons overlap but i leave it for now. it works much better!

also thanks for your fix for the double scroller! i assumed that was because i was in the editor…

i just now spend a while to change some more css (styling for block quotes) and whatever i did it seemed not to work. i only found out after a long while that the changes where just not being rendered on the preview page… after saving the css and then reloading the page the css was rendered fine. i had this before a couple of times actually. maybe that is something for your list after the template manager is finally published.

best regards, kai

I am glad to hear we were able to help!


hi joao, is the css preview not showing problem something which is happening only on my end? or something you could fix? thanks, kai

Hi Kai,

Can you clarify what CSS preview you are referring to?


hi joao,
why did you not ask in the first place when i described it?
i try it again:
when editing the global theme css you have a preview page on the right hand side. this page can be any page you choose. usually when changing css code in the css editor changes show up right away on this live rendered page. but sometimes they just don’t. can you confirm this?
thanks a lot! kai

Hi Kai,

Yes, changes in css code will show up right away on the preview provided that the target element is visible on the preview and your css code is correct.

I tried it in one of your page that has a blockquote element and it seems to work.

See Video -

I also tried Global CSS

See Video -


thanks paul, i know :wink: just read my comments above. it is not generally the case but sometimes! that is why i was stuck and somewhat confused when it did not update als usually. that is how i described it in my first comment… thanks, kai

Hi there,

How did you edit your CSS? Some host has limitation and may not allow some consecutive requests (like 20 or 40 max requests). This can happen to any element but more frequent on any editor, because in the editor, you’re typing in some content and every change issues requests to the server. Maybe that’s what happens on your end, the workaround is to edit the CSS in notepad or any code editor and paste it into cornerstone editors.

Hosts limitations is something can’t be controlled through codes.


thanks a lot rad! that could be a reason since i already have some issues (extremely long loading times of the editors) with this provider. have a great day! kai

Hi there,

Thank you. Just for the sake of information we also have hosting plans:

You will have no problems regarding such limitations and it is 100% compliant with our ecosystem of the Theme and the Builders (Cornerstone, Pro Editor).

Thank you.

thanks christopher! but i have no vote here since my customer choose this provider and just signed the yearly contract… best regards, kai

You’re welcome, please prevent direct code editing for now :slight_smile:

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