Navigation bar moves left and pushes text onto two lines

Hello Support, I have an issue arising with nav bar looking different on Internet Explorer on PC.

I am designing using a Mac and nav bar looks fine, but when I view on PC (Internet Explorer), the nav bar moves to left and also the menu items “NEWS AND EVENTS” and “CONTACT US” gets split onto two lines.

I have attached screenshots showing the nav bar on a Mac:

and also on a PC:

The website url is:

If you could offer any support / help it would be most appreciated.

best wishes


Hi There,

Please inspect your navigation inline element then remove the 5px of text margin:

Let us know how it goes!

Hello Thai,

many thanks of the quick reply, by removing the inline text margin, the text fitted on one line which is great thank you.

But the menu when viewed on a PC it is off centre, skewed to the right*

*Sorry in my original message was incorrect, - was not

but moved to the right as shown in screenshots below.

Can you offer any advice as to why navigation would be pushed to the right?

PC Screenshot - nav bar to the right:

Mac Screenshot, nav bar perfect:

many thanks in advance for any help you can provide.

best wishes


Hey Ashley,

Please set your Bar’s (containing the menu) Content Length to auto

If that does not help, please give us WordPress Admin access in a Secure Note so we could check deeper.


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