My X-theme Licence not Validating

I have recently purchased X-theme. but when i am trying to add purchase code to my wordpress site. Its not validating.

Please take a look
We need to work on the website as it is live now. So kindle fix it asap. Builder plugin Cornerstone is not working anymore, asking for updates.



Hi Lance,

I checked and your validation page looks corrupted.

Please update theme and cornerstone manually using FTP.

Check Manual Updates section on the link below for your guide.


can i have latest update for cornerstone plugin.i have downloaded all theme files but i didn’t get latest plugin files

Currently i am using 3.3.2
but it required 3.3.3 which i didn’t get with theme. Please provide me the latest one also fix the issue for theme validation.


Hello @blueprintmm13,

Thanks for updating the thread.

  1. I have validated your website using the licence code that’s listed on your licence manager page. I am sharing the screenshot in secure note.
  2. I see that you are using X Theme version 6.3.2 and Cornerstone version 6.3.3. I suggest you to update to X Theme version 6.3.3 and Cornerstone version 3.3.3 as they are bug fix release.

Please take a look at our theme update guide for some help on updating:


Thank you.

Okie i will do

Let us know how this goes!


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