My Cornerstone stopped to work. Can't be activated. The site is useless

Hi, I’m writting a new topic since the previous appears to be ignored (more than 19 hours), and the problem got much worse.

It all started when I noticed the menu on mobile devices didn’t work. Since in the forums I found a way to resolve it was updating Conerstone to the latest version, I tried this via FTP because I noticed that the Cornerstone plugin didn’t appear on the X section of the Dashboard.

Once I did it, I was unable to activate Cornerstone again, by getting this error Fatal error: Cannot redeclare cs_generate_data_attributes() (previously declared in /usr/home/frananon/www/wp-content/plugins/tco-video-lock/functions/includes/cs/helpers.php:4) in /usr/home/frananon/www/wp-content/plugins/cornerstone/includes/utility/helpers.php on line 169

Since in the previous topic, a staff member told me that my version of X-theme was older than the Cornerstone one and it could cause it to crash, I updated X-Theme too to the last version. It didn’t work out. When I try to activate Cornerstone, i’m getting the same error. Site is now totally useless and all I see is Cornerstone code, except on the gallery section.

This is extremely serious to me because I need my website for business.

Can please someone fix this? It’s not a little issue, it’s the whole site down.

Thank you in advance!

Ok, a computer guy friend of mine found the issue. Apparently there is a conflict between Cornerstone and the video lock plugin that prevents Cornerstone from activating. Once you deactivate video lock, Cornerstone can be activated.

The site is now working, though there are minor composition errors in Cornerstone. Menu on mobile devices works too, so probably the video lock plugin might be the origin of the conflict.

Glad that it works for you now!

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