Move Product Title on Single Product Page above Images on Mobile Only (woocommerce)

Currently on my X Theme store I built using Woocommerce,all of the single product pages have the images above the name of the product when viewing on a mobile device. How can I move the name of the product above the images for Mobile only? Thanks in advance.

Hi There,

Thanks for writing in! Try adding the following Javascript code into your Theme Options > Global Javascript area.

jQuery( function($) {

  mobile = $(window).width();
  if ( mobile <= 480 ){
    jQuery( ".product_title.entry-title" ).insertBefore( ".woocommerce-product-gallery" );

} );

Hope that helps.

That successfully moved the product title but now the spacing is off a bot There is a large gap underneath the images/thumbnails where the product title was previously. How can I adjust this? Also, I’d like to add space underneath the title and above the image. Thanks!

Hi there,

Add the following CSS rules into your Theme Options > Global CSS area.

@media (max-width:480px){
  .summary.entry-summary {
    margin-top: 10px !important;
  .product_title.entry-title {
    margin-bottom: 15px;

Hope that helps.

Thanks! Now for adjusting the JS you provided for larger mobile screens, should I just duplicate it but adjust the "if ( mobile <= 480 ){ " portion with the size I want?

Hi again,

Yes that’s right, just change the size you want in the code.

Let us know how this goes!

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