Modern Events broke my events page

My events page - was fully set up with a calendar created with Essential Grid for Eventbrite events. After this page had been done, completed, and published for a couple weeks, we decided to activate the Modern Events Calendar. This changed the entire view of the page by deleting the page background image, all text, and the Essential Grid calendar we created and replacing it with an ME Calendar. I would like to use ME Calendar, but not as a replacement for the entire page, just an element within the page. I deactivated the plugin to be able to figure out if this was something that could be done, but upon deactivating ME Calendar, the page has been broken. When clicking on the EVENTS tab on the menu, I am re-directed to the homepage of the website. If I type in, I am forwarded to the homepage. If I go into Cornerstone, I can still view the events page as it was created. All of the elements are there and active. When I click the button to view the page from the editor, I am re-directed to the homepage.

It is very important to have this page up and running properly, so please help me get this going again.


Hello @jbutler97,

Thanks for writing in! :slight_smile:

Please see my answers below:

My events page - was fully set up with a calendar created with Essential Grid for Eventbrite events. After this page had been done, completed, and published for a couple weeks, we decided to activate the Modern Events Calendar. This changed the entire view of the page by deleting the page background image, all text, and the Essential Grid calendar we created and replacing it with an ME Calendar.

I would like to use ME Calendar, but not as a replacement for the entire page, just an element within the page. I deactivated the plugin to be able to figure out if this was something that could be done, but upon deactivating ME Calendar, the page has been broken.

I was looking for the page with Essential Grid. Has this already been deleted? I can see that you have Events and Events Calendar page which are identical. Anyway, I suggest you continue using MEC calendar for your setup since it’s already been placed and embedding it is easy. You can add the MEC calendar properly on your page by checking at the instructions below:

First, you need to copy the shortcode from ME Calendar > Shortcodes , open Cornerstone and paste that shortcode inside a Raw Element element. An example shortcode: [MEC id="449"]

For more information on using MEC calendar:

When clicking on the EVENTS tab on the menu, I am re-directed to the homepage of the website. If I type in, I am forwarded to the homepage. If I go into Cornerstone, I can still view the events page as it was created. All of the elements are there and active. When I click the button to view the page from the editor, I am re-directed to the homepage.

The reason this is happening is because you haven’t added the Events page to your primary menu. You need to add that page so you can see it working:

The one you have set right now is the Events Calendar page:

Since they are identical, its up to you now what you wanted to remove. You can remove the Events Calendar page or the Events page. If you want to use the Events Calendar page, I advise you rename the URL from /events-calendar to /events, while change the old /events to /events-1. Also don’t forget to update the page names. Just an idea to point you to a direction.

Hope this helps.

I removed “Events” from the menu and added “Event-Calendar” to the menu as a workaround so that I wouldn’t have a dead link on the site while we’re advertising for the festival and sending festival goers to the page.

This morning, the client was showing the website during a meeting with city officials and the menu item “Events” was no longer directing to /events-calendar/. Did you make any changes on the backend that I need to be aware of? It seems the Events page is working again, so I adjusted the menu to direct to this page again.

ME Calendar is installed but currently disabled due to the issues I encountered. Is there a way to use ME Calendar without the page completely changing and without overriding the Essential Grid? I would like to use ME Calendar in ADDITION to the Essential Grid, not as a replacement for the Essential Grid.

Thank you

Hi there,

The reason that you see the problem is that the default main slug of the M.E.C. plugin is set to the same slug you have on your events page. To fix the issue please follow the steps below:

  1. Activate the M.E.C. plugin.
  2. Go to M.E. Calendar > Settings menu
  3. Change the default slug from events to something else:
  4. Go to Settings > Permalinks and save the permalinks again without changing anything on that page to purge the permalink cache.

That should do it.

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